Complete Live Wifi Monitoring Services for Sensitive and Secure Mold Removal Projects


Real Time Live Monitoring Services

Miami Mold Specialists new real time monitoring service is enabled though wifi, software, networking, and cloud based technologies simultaneously communicating to provide clients with crystal clear real time video and audio from the mold remediation project.

This technology is great forwifi-monitoring-mold-removal-miami projects that require additional security monitoring due to sensitive project constraints. Some examples would be for- large corporations where we would be working around sensitive materials, banks and financial institutions, jewelry stores, museums, private collections, high tech equipment facilities, sensitive grow operations and medical marijuana facilities, pharmacies and hospitals, research and medical facilities, courthouses, official government buildings, along with many other applications where a client would be more comfortable with this additional monitoring service. This service is a also perfect fit for rental units, out of state clients, high dollar and luxury properties, etc.

According to Miami  Mold Specialists website, “The client will receive photos or video of the services being performed via their smart phone/device. The integration of this system will allow our clients to stay connected even if they are not present in the job site, making this an essential asset for clients with rental properties or for those who live out of state.”

Real Time Mold Remediation Services In Florida

Miami Mold Specialist state of the art mold inspection/assessment, indoor air quality, and mold removal equipment includes wifi enabled safety glasses, body cameras, integrated inspection and removal equipment, and additional cameras can be added when need be in special situations.

Click here for more information on Miami Mold Specialists wifi monitoring services

About Miami Mold Specialist-

miami mold specialistSouth Florida’s Premier Indoor Air Quality and Mold Removal Service Provider- Miami Mold Specialist: High Tech and Eco Friendly Indoor Air Quality, Mold Assessments and Consulting, 3rd Party “Conflict Free” Mold Testing, Mold Removal and Remediation, Mold Prevention, Radon Testing, and Water Protection Services by Miami Mold Specialist. Multi Certified, Licensed, Bonded, and Insured. Over 30 Years Experience!

Call- 1-305-763-8070

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